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MORTIFEROTH (Usa) ...To the abyss Tape Ep. Out now!

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Messages : 444
Inscription : 20 mai 2017, 16:38

MORTIFEROTH (Usa) ...To the abyss Tape Ep. Out now!

Messagepar gabalgabow » 12 juil. 2024, 20:02


After four demos and some self-produced releases, this is the new and most professional Ep of the American death metallers!

Musically speaking influenced by 90's death metal, with an epic touch, and moments of blasting passion... This is the warmer and most shining release of the band! Four songs (and an intro) of analog passion and lust for burning metal!


This recording was Initially released on vinyl in November 2023, but now sees the light of the scalpel on analog tape format. Black tape with sticker, and pro printed color cover, materialized by NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST.

Get if from:
NIHILISTIC Distro: https://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr/Webshop/fr/24-news

Bandcamp: https://nihilisticholocaustrecs.bandcamp.com

Underground tape label/ webzine/ Distro:

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Messages : 444
Inscription : 20 mai 2017, 16:38

Re: MORTIFEROTH (Usa) ...To the abyss Tape Ep. Out now!

Messagepar gabalgabow » 17 juil. 2024, 18:32

The MORTIFEROTH tape is available against only 5,60 euros + postage!
Check it and support underground death metal!

Labels/ distro: Trades are possible, I also have other releases…
So get in touch: gabsk(a)wanadoo.fr
Underground tape label/ webzine/ Distro:

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Messages : 444
Inscription : 20 mai 2017, 16:38

Re: MORTIFEROTH (Usa) ...To the abyss Tape Ep. Out now!

Messagepar gabalgabow » 23 juil. 2024, 18:17

The MORTIFEROTH Tape Ep is now for streaming on youtube:

Underground tape label/ webzine/ Distro:

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