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DEATH METAL compilation searching for bands!

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Inscription : 20 mai 2017, 16:38

DEATH METAL compilation searching for bands!

Messagepar gabalgabow » 01 mai 2020, 17:19

I have the project to make a video compilation where death metal bands introduce themselves, talk about their last news… And there will be a music extract just after the introduction.

Styles wanted: Old school death metal, might it be obscure, ancient, Swedish, finnish, thrashing death, doomy or whatever… The goal is to have it old school or/ obscure

How to do it:
Record yourself with your smartphone, or camera, where you talk: Briefly introducing your band, and telling the last news. (20 seconds max)
The text can be : “Hi, we are NECROPHILE CORPSE from Germany, we play this style, we love to bang nuns, and we have just released a new demo tape on Satanic revelation records”

I will need:
-A video introducing the band (15-20 seconds max)
-An audio extract of the band’s music (15-20 seconds max)
-A band logo
-A picture of the band, and a picture of your last release

Try to be brief, go to the essential or most interesting infos… You can also add some humor or what feels right.
No need to send ultra HD or ultra high quality video, decent smartphone quality is fine.

Send the files here with a filesharing website (Mediafire, Mega, Yousendit etc)
here: gabsk@wanadoo.fr

Deadline: I will finish the video when there are enough bands. (Perhaps 10 or 15)

Why only 20+20 seconds per band? Because peoples won’t listen or look at everything if it’s longer (Imagine you’re at the end…)

So far I received the files from:
-VALGRIND (Death metal/ Italy)
-KEPLER (Death metal/ France)
-SHAMBLES (Obscure death/ Thailand)
-LIQUID FLESH (Death metal/ France)
-INFECTED PRIEST (Death metal/ grind from Finland)
-DECAYING REMAINS (Raw Death metal/ Ireland)
Underground tape label/ webzine/ Distro:

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Messages : 426
Inscription : 20 mai 2017, 16:38

Re: DEATH METAL compilation searching for bands!

Messagepar gabalgabow » 08 mai 2020, 11:32

Update about the video compilation!

So far I received the files from:
-VALGRIND (Death metal/ Italy)
-KEPLER (Death metal/ France)
-SHAMBLES (Obscure death/ Thailand)
-LIQUID FLESH (Death metal/ France)
-INFECTED PRIEST (Death metal/ grind from Finland)
-DECAYING REMAINS (Raw Death metal/ Ireland)
-CASKET SLIME (Raw death thrash/ Canada)
-STALKER (Old school death/ Denmark)

I’m waiting for files from:
-ATROCE (Death metal from Canada)
-FALLEN ANGEL (Old school death from Usa)

Spots possible for a couple of bands.
More infos: https://nihilistic.darkbb.com/t2262-vid ... etal-bands

Underground tape label/ webzine/ Distro:

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